Deutsch am Donnerstag – Bienen


I took this picture of a beehive the other day and it reminded me of some idioms and phrases we use with the word ‘Biene’

  • fleißige Biene – busy bee
  • so fleißig wie eine Biene – as busy as a bee
  • flotte Biene – cutie, ‘nice-looking bird’ or ‘hot chick’ 🙂
  • Ich wurde von einer Biene gestochen – I got stung by a bee
  • jemandem Honig ums Maul schmieren – to butter somebody up
  • (or a little more polite): jemandem Honig um den Bart schmieren

And instead of buzz buzz buzz, German bees go summ summ summ, just like in this German nursery rhyme:

And then there is ‘die Biene Maja’, a children’s TV programme which has been popular since 1976.

Maja has, of course, her own YouTube channel worth checking out: Die Biene Maja, where you can watch loads more of her adventures.

EDIT 2024: You can be a ‘fleißige Biene’ with my beehive maze puzzles, 20 mazes, each with a German and English sentence about bees: 20 Printable Beehive Maze Puzzles for Young (at heart) German Learners)

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