Improve your German with German songs

This page contains affiliate links to Amazon. It means I’ll get a few pence if you buy anything – at no extra cost to you. How do you practise your German when you’re no longer a beginner? One way is to incorporate the new language into regular tasks. And even better, combine your love of … Read more

German for chess players

Are you a chess player? Have you ever thought what those pieces are called in German? Here they are: Apart from the king, the other pieces are not a literal translation. der König – king die Dame – queen (lit. the dame) der Turm – rook (lit. tower) der Läufer – bishop (lit. runner) der … Read more

German for Tennis Fans

Do you play tennis?Do you watch tennis?Have you been following the matches at Wimbledon? Have you ever considered to combine your love of watching/ playing tennis with learning German?No? Well, you should ☺ In our fortnightly live video show Steven learnt some German tennis words and sentences which I found on this lovely German website … Read more

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