Catch Pokémons or learn German? Why not do both!

Catch Pokémons or learn German? Why not do both!

So …. have you been out looking for Pokémons? Is it interfering with your life? Especially with your German learning? Do you find it’s more important to catch these little creatures than to practise your German?

Shame on you ☺

Don’t you know that you can combine the two?

If you are interested in Pokémon Go, then why not read up on it in German?

I have found the following websites for you where you can practise your German reading skills and then show off your Pokemon knowledge to any German speaker, win – win!

The official German Pokemon Go website Here you can read everything you need to know to play the game, for example how to catch a Pokémon.

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Or check out the German Pokémon Wiki, the deutsche PokéWiki where you can read lots or articles or discussions (click on the dropdown arrow on the ‘Menü’ button)

Screenshot 2016-08-05 11.36.45

There is also a German Facebook page Pokémon Go Deutschland or you can follow the tweets of Pokémon GO DE

If you are going to Germany and intend to catch some Pokémons there, here are two maps for you:

Pokémon Karte Deutschland 

Pokémon GO: Fundorte in Deutschland

There are also videos on YouTube, like this one, which explains how you play it (beware, he is very excited and talks very fast!)

If you think that this is just a stupid craze  and can’t understand why anybody would go out and look for those digital creatures, then you could still practise your German with these sites and then pretend you know all about it ☺

Otherwise –

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5 thoughts on “Catch Pokémons or learn German? Why not do both!”

  1. Thanks for that! I particularly like the ‘DDR’ one -I worked with a lot of “Ossies” just after the Wall fell and , back then, the German they spoke was…different. Along with the Saxon dialect and the DDR vocabulary I had trouble understanding them. The first time my boss, a former Stasi Officer, told me to use the “EbblisschtungsJ’raet” (Ablichtungsgeraet) it took me a while to figure out he meant the photocopier.

  2. Anschi, I know ‘Abwarten, gut Ding will schließlich Weile haben” but almost a century seems excessive 😛

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