Cowboys and Indians

Thinking back to shortly after I moved to England, this was the time before satellite TV, although England just got Channel 4 and therefore had one more TV channel than Germany. Still, Saturday afternoons were awful. All you could watch was either Wrestling or Snooker or black & white war films (at least that’s what … Read more

Thoughts after reading another blog

The other day I read and commented on Cathy Dobson’s blog (The blog has sadly gone) about her first few (acually 20) years of living in Germany after having moved there from England. It brought back many memories of when I moved from Germany to England. I was lucky because I already spoke (if badly) English, … Read more

My first blog

I have started a blog on a different webpage but The fun of being a German Teacher is supposed to be just that: a recount of funny incidents. I have since found that I’d like to write about other things, too, but still German related. So, welcome to my ramblings about things in Germany or England, … Read more

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