April, April – April Fool!

April, April - April Fool!

April Fool’s Day is celebrated (if that’s what we can call it) every year on the 1st April, not just here but in many countries, including Germany.

April fool jokes are called Aprilscherze (der Aprilscherz, if it’s just one)

Jemanden in den April schicken means to play an April Fool’s trick on somebody (literally to send somebody into April)

April, April! is what Germans shout when they want to shout  ‘April fool!’

Often German newspapers print fake stories to fool the people. One popular example was the news that the UK would introduce driving on the right.

I found a picture on Facebook today which would be just as topical here as it is in Germany: 

I leave you with a video about some harmless April Fool’s jokes. You may not want to copy them but you can practise  your German   🙄

April, April!  😆

Have you seen (or done) any good German April fool’s jokes?

Edit: One of my readers has just pointed me to this page It’s in English but about Germany and great fun! And I found this page!

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