An exciting opportunity for students with A-level German


Last week I had an email from somebody in Germany wanting to know how he could find people who have just passed their  A-level in German with an A or B. A further email and a very interesting phone call later, I find this a very good idea for anybody who has passed their A-level and doesn’t necessarily want to study in England … but read his email for yourself and contact him if this is of interest.

Good luck!

Hello everyone,

We are looking for contact to teachers, parents, students and friends who have an interest in the German language.

My name is Mark Hindley, and my Partner Dr. agr. Steffi La Pac and I have a small agency for strategy, project-management and communication in Karlsbad, Germany and we have a long term project to bring young British people over to southern Germany, to study, train, learn, and work, earn a salary, achieve a recognised training/apprenticeship whilst having fun at the same time.

Germans and fun doesn´t mix you are probably thinking, well if you can put up with not eating fish chips all the time, or drinking your local ale and a gap year of just running up debt and picking a perishable crop on sun baked earth in a far flung land is not your cup of tea, then you should read further, because having fun is a state of mind.

We offer dual job/training opportunities – Apprenticeships, MBAs, on job training only for selected individuals. How do we select? If you speak the German language you have selected yourself and you are already at the starting line. The A-Level German grade B or upwards is the standard we are looking for, other than that send us your CV online and we’ll contact you.

Remember this, the English language is the world´s language in which we all communicate, Germany is the UK´s largest trading partner and German companies want their employees for management or international roles to be fluent in English. Germany is still a major industrial country and will require by 2020 an estimated extra 450,000 skilled workers.  Would you rather have a 30,000 pound debt and a degree that everybody has an equivalent too or be fluent during this time in a major European language, with an on the job paid training or international qualification, in a company with 6 weeks of paid holidays. 

An E-Mail costs nothing, just 60 seconds of your time, which could be the best 60 seconds you have ever spent, because our services don’t cost anything up-front only a small registration fee on successful placement.

If you are a teacher of the German language, contact us as well as we have opportunities for you also.

We consider ourselves to be friendly people, so if you are curious and just want to say hello, then please do so, hopefully if you have a question you’ll contact us as well at:


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