Today was the first day I ever heard some songs from Tokio Hotel! I always thought their music was just for teens but, from what I heard, the lyrics and the melodies were actually quite good.
But what does this have to do with learning or teaching German?
Tokio Hotel is a German band and I get the feeling, they do more for the German language than any other band. One of my students is an avid fan of Tokio Hotel and this has instilled a desire in her to learn German – and her German is good, so good, that after her A-levels, she wants to study in Germany. I’m sure she’ll do well (If you ever read this, Ellie, I mean every word of it!)
But she is not the only on. I keep on hearing about more and more youngsters who are learning or want to learn German because of Tokio Hotel, and that’s why I like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to the boys!