Image credit: Elke Wetzig
If you are expecting a post about a famous German author I have to disappoint you. Although Friedrich Dürrematt was a German speaking author, he was, however, Swiss.
But many UK German A-Level students will have read one of his books: ‘Der Besuch der alten Dame’ (‘The Visit’ in English). Or you might have heard of the book ‘Der Richter und sein Henker’ (‘The Judge and His Hangman’ in English).
Friedrich Dürrematt was born January 5th 1921 in Bern, Switzerland, and died December 14th 1990 in Neuchâtel.
“Friedrich Dürrenmatt war ein Schriftsteller aus der Schweiz. Er schrieb Dramen, Erzählungen und Essays. Das sind Geschichten, in denen der Schriftsteller besonders viel Freiheit hat. Für diese bekam er viele Preise. Durch seine Texte wurde er sehr bekannt. So werden auch heute noch mehrere seiner Werke in der Schule besprochen und im Theater aufgeführt. Er malte auch Gemälde.”
The above is a quote from Klexikon, the Wikipedia for children. It’s a lovely, not too dificult text about the author. Have a read: Friedrich Dürrematt.
Of course, Wikipedia also has information about him, which you can read in English or in German.
If you want to watch ‘Der Besuch der alten Dame’ I found the 1956 film on YouTube
If this has whet your appetite to read Dürrematt, Amazon has a list of of his German and English titles (this is an affiliate link) or find them in your local bookshop or even charity shop.
Have you read any of his books or watched a film? Or did you have to read his book as a student? What did you think of it?