1982, at the age of 23 I moved away from home and left Germany for a new life in England. My mum cried when I went and I also felt very sad. On the other hand I was far too excited to feel sad.
Fast forward to 30 June 2009; that was the day I took my daughter to Heathrow airport because she too went abroad at the age of 23. Since then she worked a few months in Thailand and is currently working in New Zealand and so far there is no talk about coming home.
Further fast forward to today; the day I took my son to the airport. He too is leaving home at the age of 23 and he is completing a circle because he will now live in Germany.
I am immensly proud of my children and the way they embrace living abroad, but on the other hand, I’d like them back home …..

… Just as well I’m teaching a fantastic group of advanced German learners this evening, people who I’ve known 3 – 4 years now and who have become friends. I know they will keep my mind off sad thoughts – and there’s always Skype!

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