15 quirky ideas to learn German in November

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Are you always on the lookout for some quirky German learning ideas? How about 15 ideas for November?

According to Kleiner Kalender (English version: Cute Calendar) each day of the month is also a special – and sometimes worth celebrating – day.

I’ve picked 15 of those days to give you some fun ideas for practising your German – enjoy!

1 November World Vegan Day – Weltvegantag
I found two interesting German vegan websites: Vegan World and VeganBlatt. Have a look around to see what German vegans eat and do. And if you’re a vegan, bookmark the recipes!

2 November Look for Circles Day – Halte-Ausschau-nach-Kreisen-Tag
Today you’re supposed to look out for circles. So while you’re doing that, see if you can name any circle shaped item in German.

3 November Housewife’s Day – Hausfrauentag
Spend some time today writing down in German what a housewife does. And if you’re not the housewife in your family, make sure you’ll help her (or him) once you’ve finished writing ☺

8 November Cook Something Bold Day – Koch-was-Gewagtes-Tag
How about inventing a German recipe and then cooking it? Too bold? Then find an interesting looking German recipe and cook that, or just read it!

9 November Chaos Never Dies Day – Das-Chaos-nimmt-kein-Ende-Tag
Does that also apply to your German learning? Spend some time today putting your German learning resources in order and start rewriting those scribbled notes you made ages ago and never got round to sorting. Your German learning is all in order? Then tidy something else while describing it in German.

10 November Forget-Me-Not Day – Vergissmeinnicht-Tag
Do you have any German speaking friends who you have lost contact with? Today is a good day to contact them again, in German, of course. Alternatively, find out about the Vergissmeinnicht flower.

11 November Start of Fifth Season in Germany – Beginn der fünften Jahreszeit
What’s all that about? Do a little research to find out.

13 November World Kindness Day – Welt-Nettigkeitstag
Be kind to a German speaking person today or write in German what being kind means to you.

15 November Clean Your Refrigerator Day – Putz-Deinen-Kühlschrank-Tag
While you clean your fridge today, find out what every item that you take out is called in German.

17 November Homemade Bread Day – Tag des hausgemachten Brots
Find a nice recipe for German bread and start baking. Oh, what a lovely smell!!!

19 November International Men’s Day – Internationaler Männertag
Use today to describe (of course, in German!) a man or several men in your family or circle of friends. Make it as advanced as your German knowledge permits.

21 November World Television Day – Welttag des Fernsehens
Go and watch some German TV, anything you like (as long as it’s available in your country). Just google ‘German TV’.

22 November Go For a Ride Day – Mach-eine-Spritztour-Tag
Go for a ride and then make a diary entry in German. What did you see, do, feel?

26 November Shopping Reminder Day – Einkäufe-Erinnerungstag
This day is a reminder that there is only one month until Christmas and you should have your shopping list ready. Why not write it in German?

28 November Red Planet Day – Tag des Roten Planeten
A great day for planet enthusiasts. Do some research about the planet Mars, but do it in German.

In November 2017 we covered some of those days in our fortnightly show Ask Angelika:

I found 15 quirky ideas to learn German in November. Have a look! Share on X

There you are, 15 quirky ideas for practising your German. Which one are you looking forward to do, or (once you’ve done them) which one did you enjoy the most?
If 15 ideas aren’t enough for you, you may wish to buy my book which has 365 ideas, one for every day of the year!

Available as paperback

Angelika's German Tuition and Translation - 365 ideas

And also for your kindle

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