15 quirky ideas to learn German in May

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Are you always on the lookout for some quirky German learning ideas? How about 15  ideas for May?

According to Kleiner Kalender (English version: Cute Calendar) each day of the month is also a special – and sometimes worth celebrating – day.

I’ve picked 15 of those days to give you some fun ideas for practising your German – enjoy! The ideas are below the video!

1 May May Day – Maifeiertag
Make some notes in German – or write an essay – about how May Day is celebrated in your country. Alternatively, you can do some research about any May day traditions in Germany.

4. May Star Wars Day – Star-Wars-Tag
Do you know any German Star Wars quotes? Find some … and “Möge die Macht mit dir sein” ☺

Or you can cheat and listen to the ones we found:

6 International No Diet Day – Internationaler Anti-Diät-Tag
There is a serious note to this, but when we’re learning a foreign language there should be fun. So today’s task is to ‘design’ a day full of junk food, in German, of course. If that’s not your cup of tea you can do some serious research about diets and diet related issues.

7 May National Tourism Day – Nationaler Tourismus-Tag
Imagine, some German tourists come to your area. Can you tell them in German what sights they should visit?

9 May Lost Sock Memorial Day – Tag der verlorenen Socke
Pretend you are in a German lost property office, telling them you’ve lost a sock (or anything else).

11 May Eat What You Want Day – Iss-was-du-willst-Tag
Okay, you can eat what you want, but first you need to write it down in German. What would you eat?

15 May International Day of Families – Internationaler Tag der Familie
A perfect day to describe your family tree. Draw and label it in German or write about your family.

18 May No Dirty Dishes Day – Kein-schmutziges-Geschirr-Tag
Make sure all your dishes get cleaned today and name them in German as you wash them, dry them and put them away.

20 May Be a Millionaire Day – Sei-ein-Millionär-Tag
If you were rich, what would you do or buy? Make a nice expensive list in German.

23 May World Turtle Day – Welt-Schildkröten-Tag
What information can you find out in German about turtles?

24 May National Escargot Day – Tag der Weinbergschnecke
Snails – cute, edible or hate them? Give your opinion in German.

26 May National Paper Airplane Day – Nationaler Tag des Papierfliegers
Today you can make your own paper airplane and fly it. Where does it land? What might it see? Can you write a little story?

28 May World Play Day – Internationaler Weltspieltag
Do you need an excuse to play games? Here it is! Today’s task is to play some games in German.

29 May Learn About Composting Day – Lerne-wie-Kompostieren-geht-Tag
I’m sure you always wanted to know how composting works! Well, today you can find out – and in German! Isn’t that exciting?

31 May World No Tobacco Day – Weltnichtrauchertag
Whether you smoke or not, write down your thought about smoking.

I found 15 quirky ideas to learn German in May. Have a look! Share on X

There you are, 15 quirky ideas for practising your German. Which one are you looking forward to do, or (once you’ve done them) which one did you enjoy the most?
If 15 ideas aren’t enough for you, you may wish to buy my book which has 365 ideas, one for every day of the year!

Available as paperback

Angelika's German Tuition and Translation - 365 ideas

And also for your kindle

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