15 quirky ideas to learn German in March

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Are you always on the lookout for some quirky German learning ideas? How about 15 ideas for March?

According to Kleiner Kalender (English version: Cute Calendar) each day of the month is also a special – and sometimes worth celebrating – day.

I’ve picked 15 of those days to give you some fun ideas for practising your German – enjoy!

3 March If Pets Had Thumbs Day – Wenn-Haustiere-Daumen-hätten-Tag
What a strange day! And what a great day to demonstrate your imagination …. in German!
If you have any pets, describe what they would be like with thumbs and/ or any other human features. If you don’t have any pets make up one. Extra points if you draw a picture ☺

4 March International Scrapbooking Day – Internationaler Scrapbooking-Tag
Have you ever thought of making a scrapbook with German things? Maybe some photos or articles or even some of your German work? Or just practise some German reading with this article about scrapbooking: WIE BASTELT MAN EIGENTLICH EIN SCRAPBOOK?

6 March Frozen Food Day – Tag der Tiefkühlkost
Do you know what’s in your freezer? Do you know what everything is called in German? Do you want to know how long to freeze those items? Here is a chart in German, of course: Gefriertabelle

8 March International Women’s Day – Internationaler Frauentag
Today’s task is to do some research on any famous German woman. What can you find out about and what can you say about her (or them) in German?

11 March Worship of Tools Day – Verehre-Dein-Werkzeug-Tag
Do you know the German names of all your favourite tools? Find out! Some of the words you might find here.

12 March Plant a Flower Day – Pflanz-eine-Blume-Tag
Plant a flower (or herb) and label it in German. Find out how to look after it (in German). If you wish, you can even speak German to it ☺

14 March Learn about Butterflies Day – Erfahre-mehr-über-Schmetterlinge-Tag
Are you interested in butterflies? Find out some (for you) interesting German information. You can start with the Wikipedia page about Schmetterlinge 

16 March Everything You Do is Right Day – Alles-was-Du-machst-ist-richtig-Tag
Go, on practise lots of German today in the knowledge that everything you do is right. Be confident!

19 March Poultry Day – Tag des Geflügels
I can’t give you any links today because it depends on your interest, but do some research about ‘Geflügel’. Find out German information about keeping chickens or a nice German recipe worth cooking. The choice is yours!

20 March International Day of Happiness – Internationaler Tag des Glücks
See if you can find some German motivational quotes about happiness, or, just be happy that you can speak German and just enjoy what you do know!

21 March World Poetry Day – Welttag der Poesie
Write a poem in German or  like the following which is from our poetry book (written by friends and students, available in Kindle & printed format,any profit goes to the charity of the year)

26 March Make Up Your Own Holiday Day – Erfinde-Deinen-eigenen-Feiertag-Tag
Use your imagination and invent a new holiday, but write about it in German.

28 March Weed Appreciation Day – Ehrentag des Unkrauts
No, we are no smoking any illegal drugs! But are there any weeds that you actually find pretty? Find out what they are called in German.

30 March Take a Walk in the Park Day – Mache-einen-Spaziergang-im-Park-Tag
Go for a lovely walk in the park and see if you can name whatever you see in German.

31 March Bunsen Burner Day – Tag des Bunsenbrenners
This day commemorates the birthday of the inventor of the Bunsen burner: chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen was born on March 31, 1811. As he was German this is a good chance to find out more about him. Depending on how good your German is, you might like to read about him on Wikipedia in German or English.

I found 15 quirky ideas to learn German in March. Have a look! Share on X

There you are, 15 quirky ideas for practising your German. Which one are you looking forward to do, or (once you’ve done them) which one did you enjoy the most?
If 15 ideas aren’t enough for you, you may wish to buy my book which has 365 ideas, one for every day of the year!

Available as paperback

Angelika's German Tuition and Translation - 365 ideas

And also for your kindle

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