10 February 1898 – Birthday of Bertolt Brecht

10 February 1898 - Birthday of Bertolt Brecht

Image attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-W0409-300 / Kolbe, Jörg / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

“Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht (10 February 1898 – 14 August 1956), known professionally as Bertolt Brecht, was a German theatre practitioner, playwright, and poet.” (Wikipedia)

As it would have been his birthday today I thought you might like to look at the titles of some of his plays … and notice how similar the English titles are.

Have a look at the titles and see if you can match them up. If you’d like to do it as a worksheet, download a copy here:Brecht plays or just work it out in your head.

You can see the answers at the bottom, after this little video


1 l
2 g
3 r
4 a
5 o
6 t
7 c
8 s
9 p
10 d
11 i
12 f
13 q
14 b
15 e
16 n
17 j
18 h
19 k
20 m

Did you get them all right?

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