10 easy steps to decorate your own Easter eggs


It’s great fun hiding and finding those lovely big chocolate Easter eggs on Easter Sunday, but in Germany we have the tradition of decorating hard boiled eggs. When I was a child my dad used to hide loads of decorated hard boiled eggs and a few chocolate eggs in the garden which we children then had to find. One year we could not find one of the chocolate eggs – I wonder if it’s still there 😉

Anyway, if you fancy having a go at decorating your own eggs, here are 10 very simple steps:

  1.  Fill a saucepan with water and bring to boil.
  2.  Add your eggs and boil for at least 10 minutes.
  3.  Take the eggs out of the water and prepare a small bowl with 1 cup of hot water and 1 teaspoon vinegar.
  4.  Add some food colour.
  5.  Decorate the eggs with crayons – use your imagination, patterns, pictures etc…
  6.  Put the eggs in the bowl with the coloured water and leave for 3-4 minutes.
  7.  Take the eggs out and leave to dry.
  8.  On Easter Sunday hide the eggs somewhere (most fun is in the garden, but in rain hide indoors :-))
  9.  Find eggs!
  10.  Eat eggs!!!

Have fun!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about another Easter tradition….

If you’re looking for more Easter sentences, especially for young learners, check out my printable Easter Colouring for Young German Learners.

And/ or have a look at my free five Easter fun activities

PIn it now, read it later!

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