What? More music?

So, Tokio Hotel appeals to the teens, the Wise Guys are good for adult education, which leaves primary school children. Is there any good music to use with them?
There are a lot of good traditional songs which are still great to sing nowadays. My favourites are ‘Mein Hut, der hat 3 Ecken’ or ‘Laurentia, liebe Laurentia’ (brilliant action song if you need to get fit and don’t have time for the gym ;-))

And then there’s Detlef Cordes and his ‘Spiellieder’ – lovely, easy German songs, some of them slightly unusual (like the one about the cowpat) and just great fun for children to sing.
I wrote about one of the songs on another blog, which you can read here but here is the song again, which the children of the German Saturday School in Frome abolutely love:

One mother told me recently that even her husband now knows the lyrics and sings it with the daughter.

See, learning German is catching ….. 😉

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