German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter P

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter O, here are those with the letter P: Probieren geht über studieren.The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Er ist ein Pechvogel.He’s an unlucky guy. Pünktlich wie die Maurer.Right on time. Eine Plaudertasche seinTo be a chatter box And … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter O

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter N, here are those with the letter O: Halt die Ohren steif!Chin up! Er hat Oberwasser bekommen.He got the upper hand. Öl ins Feuer gießen.Add fuel to the fire. Ohne Fleiß kein Preis.No pain, no gain. Ohne Knete keine Fete.No dosh, … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter N

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter M, here are those with the letter N: Nichts für ungut.No hard feelings. nigelnagelneubrand spanking new nicht ohne seinto be quite something In der Not frisst der Teufel FliegenBeggars can’t be choosers. den Nagel auf den Kopf treffento hit the nail … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter M

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter L, here are those with the letter M: hinter dem Mond lebento have been living under a rock ein Morgenmuffel seinto be grumpy in the mornings (Also see my blog post Are you a ‘Muffel’?) Morgenstund hat Gold im … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter L

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter K, here are those with the letter L: eine Leiche im Keller habento have a skeleton in the closet eine lange Leitung habento be slow on the uptake den Löffel abgebento kick the bucket Ist dir eine Laus über … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter K

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter J, here are those with the letter K: die Kirche im Dorf lassento not get carried away einen Kater habento have a hangover den Kürzeren ziehento draw the short straw einen Kloß im Hals habento have a lump in … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter J

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter I, here are those with the letter J: Sei nicht so ein Jammerlappen!Don’t be such a whiner/ sissy! Das ist Jacke wie Hose.That’s six of one and half a dozen of another.  Jetzt mach mal halblang!Come off it!/ Hang on … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter I

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter H, here are those with the letter I: den inneren Schweinehund überwindento overcome your weaker self in die Hose gehento go down the drain ins Gras beißento kick the bucket Immer mit der Ruhe!Don’t panic! Hold your horses! im siebten … Read more

German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter H

Following on from last month’s blog post about German Idioms and Tongue Twisters with the letter G, here are those with the letter H: jemandem Honig ums Maul schmierento butter someone up Hummeln im Hintern habento have ants in one’s pants das Handtuch werfento throw in the towel Danach kräht kein Hahn.Nobody cares two hoots about … Read more

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